Sunday, April 13

Why didn't I hear about Rock Hudson?

Besides learning, the best part about being a student is finding out about all of the cool shit on the internet that teaches you stuff you never learned about as a kid because you grew up in a place where no one talks about important things, or for that matter, their true feelings. I suppose I shouldn't be so ignorant by saying no important things are discussed in Utah and maybe my teenage girl ears were closed when lessons were taught in my school about little events like, the Civil Rights Movement and AIDS. Or maybe my generation missed the boat, thanks to our standard of great presidential influences over the years. Were the kids who graduated in 1994 too young to be taught about AIDS, or was it still taboo to be discussed? As my professor of Anatomy says, it is a fascinating subject one which can be devoted to an entire semester. We, unfortunately got three slides.This is where the link comes into play. - go here after reading this! I know all of my phantom readers have phantom laundry to fold, papers to read and, flocks of sheep to find but please instead of watching some lame reality t.v show or 240 other minutes of t.v, educate yourself with this Frontline expose. It's better than E!(and Family Feud). Bonus, you'll learn where this phantomesque photo came from. BOO YAY

1 comment:

Unknown said...

aids is pretty at the cellular a baziotes painting...