Saturday, April 19


I promise this won't turn into a puppy blog, but thought I should post some more pictures of the lil gal who has stolen my heart (and Antonios). Maybe yours too?


Anonymous said...

Wow...the girl is cute. She looks like cody's dog shiva. Shiva is black with a white chest (4 yrs old) and some white on her feet. I'll send you some pics on your hotmail...not sure if I can do it here. Yes, got ur package. I opened the inside flap and left open as a nice display on the kitchen counter. It's nice to know god is watching over cody and I as we struggle through the hard times. Thanks Ensign. How much is a year prescription/subscription? How much was your dog? Shiva is a pretty good dog. Once she pooped (runny) 5 times on the carpet and I thought to myself...glad she's not my dog as I watched Cody do the dirty business. Germaphobe.

Anonymous said...

really great doggie !!!! i can't wait to meet her, she looks so sweet ! glad you got a puppy !

fancy ham said...

ha ha ha I am commenting myself. My favorite picture is the one of her standing. It reminds me of a timid deer or a sheep thats gone astray.