Saturday, March 27

just in case your wondering

No, I never built a chicken coop but I am finishing a bottle of wine to myself right now! I felt like writing more today, yesterday, and tonight but when the time comes to it, which is now, my head just feels like spinning and I am going to bed. Happy Birthday Wendi Jo! You are a good friend indeed, even though we don't talk much. And to that I blame myself, I seldom talk to anybody. But get this.. I'm a waitress.
Oh this meaningless drunk post is getting only sloppier. But I did hear a good thing tonight from the clerk at seven eleven which my freaking SUV drove up to (and I vowed never to drive to a convience store again, even in the valley of salt where the streets are wide enough for oxen a girl should definitely walk and not drive to these neon establishments) and he said 'eating healthy is unpatriotic', I replied 'good'. Patriotric is the last thing I want to be.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

maybe our friendship is good because it is unspoken.