Tuesday, November 4

Oh my gOd. This is histOry!

I was On the verge Of tears with a permagrin attached, hOw dOes that happen? I've yet tO shed the lacrimal ducts and am happily tucked intO bed. Regarding this mOmentOus achievement-I'm sO happy I went Out tOnight. The bar was filled with peOple, and at 7:59.55 the cOuntdOwn began. I was a little cOnfused because I thOught CA's pOlls clOsed at 8, which was the time they annOunced the next president. EveryOne was freaking Out. I still feel hOarse. My favOrite part was seeing Obamas meter measurement mOve up as McCains stayed at a steady 141 to Obama's 338. What a landslide! NOw if Only prOp 8 gOes thrOugh, things will be lOOking up fOr America. It already is, can't yOu feel it?


Karen said...

Good luck applying to OT school! You can do it!!!

Starr said...

Obama's speech was so moving. I have never seen people cry when someone is elected! It really is amazing. You are lucky you live in your awesome city.