Thursday, November 13

my most favorite communications

I received an email from an older Chinese man who is in my class and wanted to keep it forever in print. It reminded me of a tip I got when I had a paper route in my youth. It was a check made out to Shannon for Ten dollars. That's all it said- Shannon and Ten. I never cashed it, but I'm sure the account is closed because the nice couple, one of only a few that were black in my neighborhood growing up, died long long ago.
Here is the email. My teacher calls him Fouk, but his emails say Sam. I think I like Fouk better.
Thanks for your notes, and its help me like a people thirty in a desert.
If you have more news in muscle, please let me know too.
Thanks again

Come to find out Fouk got a hold of the test before we actually took it and called my friend with some answers but he didn't call me. Who's thirty in the desert now Fouk?

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