Wednesday, March 26

service starts here

The title was taken from a sign at Pete's coffee. Isn't it so much better than 'order here'? While listening to NPR this morning I heard that both of our beloved democrats spend 1 to 2 million a day campaigning. Ok, re read that last sentence, EACH DAY 1 to 2 MILLION. Isn't that crazy? Hmm, lets ask these mutants WTF (what the f@!k) they are thinking... And on the matter of FUS (f@!ked up sh*t) check out this link I came across from the wonderful internets, it's a program from Frontline on PBS that is definitely worth the watch!
Makes me want to revert back to my old ways of thinking and dream of living in the trees of jungles far away. Alas, I shall enjoy my American amenities as long as they are available to me. Perhaps in the future I will be able to live off the land or spend my days scuba diving in warm waters, but until that is the case this is what I'll give and this is what you'll get.

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