Saturday, October 16

f*#! my head

or what goes on inside of it rather. Pretty negative talk to begin with this post. I'm thirty four (like to keep reminding myself of that) and the great investor Suzie Orman would be hard to hear that I have nothing saved for my retirement. Nor for my life, which is quite upsetting as of late.
I am freaking out about moneys and college and pets and rents in LA. I do not want to take money from my parents, but that has been offered and I feel relieved when thinking of this. Not that I am not going to accept it, because I can and I will- the mantra of school.
And Shanneqwa Shalahom Shannanyanay this is no way to be thinking two god damned months before the start of a new life. OF GRADUATE SCHOOL. Type with purpose. And quicker. Get out of that funk!

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