Friday, October 24

What I learned today

The faithful (or is that fateful?) Mormons have put forth millions of dollars (probably your tithing) in order to fight a proposition that is not even on the Utah ticket. Prop 8, here in CA, is in support of gay marriage so it figures they would be against it. As Carol Liefer said, "it's funny that the Mormons, whose history stems from polygamy, are against this proposition." Wake up and smell 2008 Mormon readers and stop giving up that 10%, because they are spending it places that they shouldn't be.
It is amazing to me that issues such as this are being discussed during the crises that we live in right now. Not only is the economy about to flounder, the oceans are rising and the molten lava pots below them are about to bubble out killing off everything anyway, so I guess it doesn't really matter if they fight a stupid ideal about marriage being between a man and a woman when soon there won't be either one to walk down that dreadful aisle of time and all eternity. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.


Anonymous said...

There is hope, here in the city of salt... I was reading the hate on, so many angry, crazed people saying the cruelest things about their fellow humans. The upswing though was that ksl (mormon owned) provided a link in their article so I could sign a petition to tell the "prophet" to butt out!

Starr said...

I know it's pathetic isn't it?! I say WHO CARES what someone else wants to do? Honestly, why would you care. I read on a fellow bloggers post "it's not a democratic or republican thing, simply the right thing" (gag). Oh really? So You think that. Who are YOU to make that choice? The funny thing is there is a law suit against the church now because they are exempt from taxes so they are not supposed to hold any political views. They are asking people to cold call and vote against this, so now some attorneys are putting up a fight. YAY attorneys.

Anonymous said...

Brothers, sisters, let's all come
together here, and feel the love,
gay, straight, what have you.

And since they're so involved in
Californication, it's obviously time to tax the Mormon church,
as members' tithing is going to support political causes.
No longer just another religion,
it apparently has become a political action committee....
Actually has been from the start, really. Mormon soldiers greatly outnumbered union troops in the early illinois days....Joseph Smith also ran a quixotic campaign to become US President/Seer/Revelator.
Mormons have had their mitts in politics since the beginning -- what else did you think they were doing with all that cash?

Jessie said...

Funny how 3 people that don't know squat about Mormons left these comments. ha ha ha. And I love how these same "tolerant" people claim Mormons are "intolerant" this clip and you decide:

Jessie said...

Oh and by the way, the LDS church donated about $2000 to to the coalition of faith organizations and conservative groups that sponsored Proposition 8 and that's it. The hundreds of thousands of dollars everyone is talking about came from individuals who chose to donate their own funds. People get your facts straight.