Friday, October 17

two things I adore

If I ever move from SF, which I'm sure will be next year, I am going to miss my haircutter immensely. Before I moved out here I would fly from SLC for haircuts. That, of course, was when I was employed and taking a trip a month. So here it is my current two favorite things.. My new haircut and this yogurt. It's a greek style called Fage and you can buy it from Whole Foods or Trader Joes. Get the non fat and fill it up with walnuts and honey (necessity) and enjoy. I seriously moan when I eat it.


Anonymous said...

I have said it before:

"you should be a yogurt model..."

and I'll say it again.

Starr said...

YUM! Except I don't do walnuts. What about honey and bananas... mmm. That sounds delish. I will go buy some from Whole Foods

Starr said...

PS CUTE HAIR! I love it