Sunday, July 20

yum yum dinner

I am trying to get my nine posts in for the month and Frida is in the kitchen whining. I just let the dog try some cabbage and she seemed to like it very much. But her favorite so far is cheese, her eyes open so wide when she sees it and she learned how to say give it to me. Yup my dog can talk. As for me I have made the healthiest dinner I've had in months, a simple baked sweet potato no butter, no nothing but a nice pile of chopped up raw red cabbage on top. Imagine the colors!


Anonymous said...

sweet patatas -- yum !

one of the bestest foods - ever.

thank the ancient indians.

-Jimmy JJ

Starr said...

Wow you have earned a comment from Jimmy!

Did I tempt you to eat a sweet potato that night?

Can't wait to see you!!