Thursday, July 24

Two amazing things...

a. The gardenia plant that I bought in early spring has a flower. This I thought would never happen because the temperature in SF isn't quite warm enough for these delicate plants. I even gave up on it, left it sitting outside, lots of leaves turned brown and Frida ate some buds. Then I noticed the soft whiteness coming through. It isn't fully opened yet but the smell is there, so that is good enough for me.

b. The bar around the corner near my house is doing a sing along to Les Miserables on Saturday night. Two drink minimum, think I'll be having more. 'Nuff said. Anyone care to join me?


Starr said...

I would definitely come. I wish I lived in San Frannny sometimes. I wish I could come visit at least more often.

Do you want to baby sit your cute neice while you are here?

Jessie said...

oh how I wish I could be there to witness such an event.