Wednesday, March 21

Posting again? Hopefully!

I wrote this for my friends blog and decided to post it here as well.. Maybe funktify is back? Doubt it..

What makes me happy?
Where should I begin? Blueberries, figs, cherries, persimmons..every fruit really. The sky, both stormy and blue and when its filled with stars too. Flowers and plants. The story of meeting my love. Calling my parents. Seeing old friends. Natural hot springs and the cold plunge that fills your internal organs with life revived! The smell of the forest. Informing myself. Scuba diving. Supporting small businesses. Birds that sing at night. Remembering the funny things I did in my youth. Fresh herbs. Writing letters and putting them in the mail that same day. Having insomnia (obviously I don't suffer with it often). Travelling. Knowing that I'm not the only thing on the planet that matters. Starting my day with poetry and finishing it up with it too. Swings and Hammocks. Making to do lists and crossing things off. Old people. Cleaning, and the product thereof. Flossing my teeth. Visiting home, and coming back to my own. Knowing that the children I have will be raised in a conscientious manner. Being a rebel. Going to the symphony. Seeing the love of my life's hands, and square face. Planning my wedding. Greasy spoons. Porches and dusk. The hope that there are still farmers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh goodness, I love you! I'm so glad I checked to see if you had written anything lately. It's lovely.
xo, WJ