Tuesday, May 24

in the morning I shall sit in my hammock

And I haven't yet decided if I will wear purple when I am old.

I had one of the best weeks I've had in a long time. You see, when you are a waitress not much is fun. You always work weekends, and when you want to go somewhere you have to get your shifts covered and then you come back and are still a waitress. I am not bashing the food industry at all, I have definitely paid my dues and enjoyed myself the past oh 16 years or so, but just the mere fact of knowing I will never come home smelling of food again brings the swing to my hammock.
So the last week what made it so great? Well I finished my first semester of graduate school and am about to embark on my second today! I enjoyed myself thoroughly and am happy to say that I did not get all of the organizing done that I had planned but rather laid in a creek for hours feeling like a fish!We went camping near Ojai, only 2 hours away from LA and had such an amazing time that we both decided camping trips are mandatory monthly. We're going to have all of the gear in an easy container to go and throw it in the car and take off! That same container will come with us through the Apocalypse I'm sure.
I also took an amazing hike in the park where I am to be wed and can not wait to show the trail to Bahram. 2.9 miles of different floras and faunas which resemble the great state of Utah and other lands I am sure. I am so happy that we chose the park for our wedding because it already has a lot of meaning to us.

And as for the purple? It's one of our wedding colors since it is a Persian wonder color, so perhaps I shall wear it in when I am old. On the trail in the park.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are in love. It's so cute!
xoxo, wj