Thursday, April 29

on my tiny touch screen.. can you imagine?!

I blew out the candles long ago but still can't fall asleep because of the great mood that I am in. And for no other reason than my fabulous head (and the parts inside it).

Wednesday, April 21

and this is how life is supposed to be

Or actually how I like my life to be. I'm busy, getting ready for drinks with a friend who is passing through town, then off on a date, and then to a reinvented carnival, and finish it off with a stop by the W to say hello to my best friend, who by the way, owns the greatest dance club in Salt Lake City. Just ask City Weekly (I feel like a proud parent!)

Friday, April 16

for you Ira, and everything else

My life is killing me. Or my lack of life. Constant thought of changes I want to make but never do. What will it take? I feel like I am almost at that point, driven myself mad enough to finally do. The quote I was trying to remember with my mother is something like this- 'Out of the strain of the doing, into the peace of the done'. Should I get a new tatoo?
I get bursts of inspiration, I always have. But seldom do what needs to. For instance, for the first time in my life I have a business card. How many have I handed out? Not many. But some, I know I am hard on myself so am trying to reverse this thought as I type it out. It's working. I know I am capable of so much more and have the talent and support I need to achieve things. And my astrological sign exudes success, especially in the upcoming few years.
I should change the profile on my blogg to read- My $50 yoga mat sits in the corner and mocks me. I don't know what my excuse is of dining out and spending money that I do not have on an artichoke cheese dip with buckets of grease floating atop and feeling that it is fine to eat like this all of the time. Because I basically do. And it's always this inside my head, tomorrow I will get the bagel or doughnut that is oh so good and then I will start eating better. No, things do not work this way Shannon. That said dip, caused my friend to vomit hours later.
But for Ira I choose this- and I've said this before and it's embarrasing to live like this but it is the way I am and I love me, and I'm working on some things, so one day you'll see... Ira, all of the wonders of this mondern world which somewhat intimidate me needn't so. I need not feel so anxious at the thought of social interactions and must get out of my comfort zone in order to do anything different in my life. Remember what Einstein said about insanity. I don't want to go there just yet.

Thursday, April 8

annoying suggestion

I got a few comments by some Mike fellow for a best blogg interview. Don't know where that came from, but I decided to participate. I don't even know where my blogg is on the site but check it check it yo, Vote for me, if you find me. And I hope I don't get a shitton load of emails from them now.