Tuesday, May 25

Oh the beauty

Knowing it was going to be a gorgeous day today, I laid in bed for a long time adoring my dogs face (I know, I know, maybe it is time to look for a man) but as long as she cuddles so close to me I am going to let her and therefor start my day at 11 well, noon. Staying in bed that long often makes me lazy and although I felt like taking Frida in the forest (thank you Utah)I tried to talk myself out of it and go to a park instead. Am I glad I went canyon bound. It is so good to be back in Utah and experiencing things of my youth again, we went up Ferguson Canyon which I frequented in high school. It was simply amazing. Pictures I will post and hopefully soon. Frida was a mistake to bring up there though, she kept trying to get into the raging stream and I had to keep her on the leash. From now on the canyon Frida and I shall visit is Neffs, Ferguson will be for me alone. It was a chore going down through the wet boulders with 70 pounds of pure muscles pulling me. I kept thinking about the health insurance that I do not have and maybe it is wise to hike with another person. Problem is, I don't know many people here. To internets I go?


Jessie said...

I love this post. You're happy here, which makes me happy.

fancy ham said...

I do like it here, I do like it there, at 34 I am happy everywhere!